Loch, Nolte, and Others Support Ice Channel Proposal

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Loch, Nolte, and Others Support Ice Channel Proposal

German luge athletes have expressed disappointment over the scrapping of the proposed new ice canal for the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo. Olympic bobsled champion Laura Nolte took to Instagram to express her sadness, describing it as a "gloomy day for our sport." Olympic luge champion Felix Loch, who triumphed in Sochi 2014 and Vancouver 2010, similarly shared his frustration, stating, "What a letdown!"

Olympic bobsleigh champion Laura Nolte wrote on Instagram of a "sad day for our sport". Felix Loch, Olympic luge champion from Sochi 2014 and Vancouver 2010, also complained. "Such a bummer!" he wrote.

"I feel extremely sorry for our Italian athletes. They and our whole sport would have deserved a track in Italy," Loch elaborated.

Because the ice track will not be built, an alternative venue outside Italy will have to be found. Among others, Innsbruck in Austria had already signaled its willingness. German tracks, however, are "not an issue" in these considerations, Thomas Schwab, chairman of the German luge federation BSD, confirmed to SID on Monday.

The abandonment of the construction plans comes as a significant setback for Nolte and her fellow athletes. She remarked, "While other athletes and sportsmen are competing for medals in Italy, we will find ourselves in a completely different country, pursuing our sport." The 24-year-old added, "This is unprecedented in the 102-year history of the Winter Games. I'm simply speechless."

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